Page 148 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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                right solution and can be tailored to the needs of learners. As Smaldino told the

                       In  learning  activities,  Blended  Learning  has  the  potential  to  create
                experiences  for  learners.  Because  Blended  Learning  helps  represent  a  clear
                advantage to create a safe learning experience. From experience gained, the learner

                can  provide  knowledge,  skills,  and  competencies  for  the  learner  himself.
                Regardless of distance and time, Blended Learning can be one way to determine

                expected goals.
                       The  term  Blended  learning,  according  to  MacDonald  2008  is  usually
                associated with including online media in learning, while at the same time, it can

                also be done face-to-face learning in a conventional way. This method is done to
                support  the  learner's  understanding  of  the  learning  objectives,  for  example,  by

                combining  technology  as  a  learning  medium  and  as  a  learning  resource.  As  a
                learning  medium,  it  will  carry  out  synchronous  learning,  such  as using  text  and
                audio in the learning process. And as a learning resource by doing asynchronous

                learning  such  as  e-mail,  discussion  forums,  and  web  learning.  Then  Bersin
                explained  that  Blended  Learning  is  a  combination  of  various  learning  media  to
                create  an  optimal  learning  program. Such  as  technology,  activities,  and  multiple

                types of events.
                       So it can be concluded that blending means face-to-face learning supported
                by electronic formats. Then Blended Learning can be applied to achieve the desired

                goal. Blended Learning can also be interpreted as a learning process that utilizes a
                variety of approaches, media, methods, and techniques. In simple terms, it can be

                said that Blended Learning is learning that combines and mixes, whether it is face-
                to-face,  self-study,  and  online  self-study,  or  integrating  methods  and  media  to
                achieve learning goals.

                   1.  Characteristics of Blended learning
                       The characteristics of Blended Learning are:

                       a.  Learning  that  combines  different  ways  of  delivery,  teaching  models,
                           learning styles, and a variety of diverse technology-based media
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