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                           Individual  learning  in  this  theory,  learners  are  active  participants  if
                       they  can  build  their  own  knowledge  subjectively,  dynamically,  and

                       develop. Then process and understand  the information so the learner has
                       his own learning. Learners develop their wisdom based on knowledge from
                       experiences they have experienced themselves. Cognitive learning theory

                       is  the  next  learning  theory  that  underlies  the  Blended  Learning  model.
                       Precognitive proximity emphasizes the chart as one organized structure of

                       knowledge.  Bloom  1956  identified  six  cognitive  learning  levels:
                       "knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, and synthesis."
                           The  last  theory  is  the  theory  of  social  constructivism  developed  by

                       Vygotsky. According to Vygotsky 1978, it is as follows: the way learners
                       construct knowledge, think, reason, and reflect on is uniquely shaped by

                       their relationship with others. He argued that the guidance given by more
                       capable others allows the learner to engage in levels of activity that could
                       not  be  managed  alone. Social  constructivism  is  also  called  collaborative

                       learning. The characteristics of such learning theory are as follows 171:
                           This theory requires students to build knowledge, think, find excuses,
                       and  be  reflected  in  unique  forms  through  relating  to  others.  The  learner

                       learns from solving a real problem and joins a knowledge generator. The
                       devotee also enters inside as a learner together with his learners. The form
                       of  the  task  will  also  be  processed,  knowledge  assessed  and  created,  and

                       then build new knowledge.
                   2.  Purpose of Blended Learning

                       a.  Helping learners to develop better in the learning process, according to
                           learning styles and preferences in learning.
                       b.  Provides practically realistic opportunities for teachers and learners to

                           learn independently, usefully, and continuously develop.
                       c.  Increased  scheduling  flexibility  for  learners  by  combining  the  best

                           aspects of face-to-face and online instruction. Face-to-face classes can
                           be used to engage learners in interactive experiences. Meanwhile, the
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