Page 149 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 149
b. As a combination of face-to-face teaching, self-study, and self-study
c. Learning is supported by an effective combination of delivery,
education, and learning styles.
d. Teachers and parents of learners have an equally important role,
teachers as facilitators and parents as supporters.
According to Tsharpen characteristics of Blended Learning are168:
a. Provision of supplementary sources for learning programs that relate to
traditional lines for the most part, through institutional support of
virtual learning environments
b. Transformative level of learning practice is carried out by the design of
learning to depth
c. A holistic view of technology to support learning.
Blended Learning contains face-to-face, which intersects with Blended
Learning. In Blended Learning, there is computer-based learning related to
online learning. In online learning, internet-based learning which there is
web-based learning. The description concluded that in Blended Learning,
there is a face-to-face that is sliced with Blended Learning where Blended
Learning and its components are computer-based, and online learning is
internet web-based for learning.
Based on the components in Blended Learning, the learning theory that
underlies the learning model is the theory of learning constructivism
(individual learning) from Piaget, cognitive from Bruner Gagne and Bloom
in a social learning environment, or Social Constructivist (collaborative
learning) from Vygotsky. Characterizable theory of learning constructivism
(individual learning) for Blended Learning is as follows:
a. Active Learners
b. Learners construct their knowledge
c. Subjective, dynamic, and expanding
d. Processing and understanding of information
e. The learner has his own learning.