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2,667,655 teachers in Indonesia and 172 people. In addition to the academic
quality of teachers, the condition of improving the educational
qualifications of teachers, the state of teacher shortages is also still
experienced by some regions in the country at various levels of education.
In 2007, in addition to the Open University of the Indonesian government
through the Directorate General of Higher Education and the Directorate of
Quality Improvement of Education Personnel, 10 LPTK jointly organized a
PJJ system for improving teacher qualifications through SI PGSD
PJJ in this program is based on information and communication
technology using the internet as the primary medium; face-to-face is carried
out only a few times in residential programs, and the rest is using e-learning
programs. The success of PJJ PGSD and the distance learning system that
uses e-learning as the primary tool is very decisive to the developed
learning management system (LMS) model. The government, together with
the used parties, are still looking for a reliable LMS model that can realize
the profile of professional teachers with equal educational and teacher
competencies that even exceed teachers with a regular learning system. The
Blended Learning model combines several learning approaches, namely
conventional learning in face-to-face and internet-based e-learning.
As stated by Gagne 1984 Effective learning has the following criteria:
(1) involves learning in the learning process; (2) encourages the emergence
of skills for self-study (learn how to learn); (3) improves the knowledge and
skills of learners; (4) motivate further learning.
Darmodiharjo (1998:39) suggests that tutors nature carrying out their
duties have a role that includes; (1) as a motivator, (2) as a facilitator, (3) as
a mentor and evaluator, (4) developing subject matter, (5) manager of the
teaching and learning process, (6) an update agent. Meanwhile, Muhammad
Zen stated that the duties of the tutor as a teacher include; (1) as an
informer, (2) as an organizer, (3) as a motivator, (4) as a director, (5) as an