Page 58 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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                         resources. And for Indonesia, this is a challenge in improving the quality
                         of the education system. Indonesia is one of the countries trying to reduce

                         digital  among  its  population  through  ICT  in  various  sectors.  In  the
                         education sector, there is also an educational telematics program or the
                         use of ICT in education, also known as e-education.

                            The  use  of  ICT  in  education  is  known  as  e-learning  programs.  E-
                         learning  in  Indonesia  has  been  developed  under  the  auspices  of  the

                         education Telematics or E-education program. It is used in all forms of
                         communication technology to create, manage, and provide information.
                         E-education  relates  to  the  use  of  communication  media  and

                         communication  technology,  such  as  computers,  the  internet,  telephone,
                         television/video, radio, and other audio-visual aids used in education.

                            Regarding  the  use  of  e-learning,  it  is  focused  on  using  computers.
                         This is because the use of computers in education has been  widespread
                         and has reached various interests. Among its services are for the benefit

                         of learning, namely to assist teachers in improving the quality of learning.
                         The outline of the computer is used in two kinds of applications, namely
                         in  the  form  of  computer-assisted  education  (Computer  Assisted

                         Instruction-CAI)  and  computer-based  learning  (Computer  Based
                         c.  WEB-Based Learning (E-Learning)

                            Web-based  learning,  which  is  popularly  known  as  Web-Based
                         Education  (WBE)  or  sometimes  called  e-learning  (electronic  learning),

                         can  be  defined  as  the  application  of  web  technology  in  the  world  of
                         learning for an educational process. Internet technology, and as long as
                         the  learning  process  is  felt  by  those  who  follow  it,  the  activity  can  be

                         referred to as web-based learning. The existence of access to information
                         sources  via  the  internet  are  requirements  that  must  be  required.

                         Furthermore, there is information about the location of the information
                         sources we want to obtain. Several data sources can be accessed freely
                         without complicated administration processes. There are several sources
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