Page 60 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 60


                             5)  Quarterly Magazine
                                This  magazine  has  a  concept  similar  to  that  of  a  bi-monthly

                                magazine. The only difference is the time of publication, which
                                is done every three months.
                         b.  Journal

                            Initially, the journal was a personal record containing the experiences
                            that  had  befallen  the  author.  Journals  are  usually  defined  as

                            periodicals  issued  by  certain  universities  or  professional
                            organizations.  The  contents  are  in  the  form  of  breakthroughs  or
                            research produced by academic circles.

                         c.  Newspapers / Newspapers
                            A newspaper is a periodical or daily publication that contains direct

                            news,  articles,  and  depth  reporting.  Flipchart  size.  Types  of
                             1)  Daily Newspaper.

                                This  type  of  print  media  is  published  every  day,  except  on
                                certain days, such as national holidays. This type of print media
                                is still further divided into National Daily Newspapers, Regional

                                Daily  Newspapers,  and  Local  Daily  Newspapers.  The  news
                                conveyed  is  the  type  of  news  or  the  latest  information  and  is
                                delivered with a straight news system or what it is.

                             2)  Weekly Newspaper.
                                This type of print media is more commonly known as tabloids.

                                Usually, the news raised is entertainment news, in-depth news,
                                or in-depth coverage. Writing in this media is more feature or
                                descriptive style.

                         d.  Tabloids
                            A  collection  of  processed  or  investigative  news  containing  stories,

                            articles, and advertisements is published regularly. Types of tabloids:
                             1)  Women's Tabloids
                             2)  Children's Tabloid
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