Page 62 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 62
a. Projection Media
Projected media is media that uses a projector so that the image
appears on the screen. This means that the use of this media depends
on the projector's tools to connect with the message's recipient.
1) Transparency Projector/ Overhead Projector (OHP)
The OHP is a device designed in such a way that it can
project transparency onto the screen over the top or side of the
person's head.
This OHP has been found since the 1930s, since the
invention of the Fresnel lens used in OHP. The first European
country to use this OHP was Scandinavia. During the second
world war using OHP was very useful for the armed forces. The
United States increases the use of OHP in delivering educational
information accompanied by technical needs or techniques of
use OHP Parts.
2) Projector / LCD
What is a projector? According to experts, the definition of
a projector is a device that can integrate light sources, optical
systems, electronics, and displays to project images or videos
onto a screen/wall and make it look bigger.
In other words, the definition a projector is a tool to help
display images, videos, or other data from a computer or laptop
to a screen (it can also be on a flat surface such as a wall).
Projectors are very useful for helping someone with
presentations and presenting explanations or expressions in the
form of text, images, animations, or even videos, to the audience
to make them easier to understand. The projector's function is to
display objects or data (text, images, videos) on a
computer/laptop on a screen or wall. The projector can easily say
things in a larger size and has high flexibility.