Page 67 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 67
A. Introduction
This chapter presents the selection of media and learning resources. The
discussion includes the functions and benefits of learning media, selection of
teaching media, understanding of learning resources, criteria for selecting learning
resources, and steps for choosing learning resources. Students are equipped with
this ability to optimize the role of learning media and learning resources in the
learning process.
B. Learning Objectives
After attending this lecture, students can explain the functions and benefits
of learning media, selection of good learning media, understanding of learning
resources, criteria for selecting learning resources, and steps for choosing learning
resources that are suitable for learning.
C. Material
The continuous development of technology in the world of work not only
requires that university graduates (PT) have broad knowledge and professional
skills that are ready to be used in the field of work. In fact, this has the
consequence that universities need to continuously improve the quality of
graduates to have the desired competencies. The achievement of competence can
be obtained through an effective learning process. Learning is a process of
changing behavior resulting from interacting with the environment so that the
learning experience and outcomes become more meaningful (meaningful learning).
The learner's success is marked by acquiring knowledge, skills, and positive
attitudes in individuals according to the expected goals. This success is highly
likely. The success of this learner is strongly influenced by many factors, including
the use of media that functions as an intermediary for learning messages.
Media serves to direct students to obtain a learning experience (Learning
Experience) determined by students' interaction with the media. In accordance with
the objectives, the suitable media can enhance learning outcomes. This argument is
in line with the opinion of Edgare Dale regarding the theory of "cone experience,"
which is the primary basis for using media in the learning process. The quality of
interaction in the learning process is also influenced by the five senses that humans