Page 68 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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have, especially the sense of hearing (ears) and the sense of seeing (eyes); these
two senses will be connected to the reception center in the human brain.
Media (plural of the word medium) is a word that comes from the Latin
Medius, which means "middle," "intermediary," or "introductory" (Arsyad 2007;
Sadiman and S 2010) as an intermediary or messenger from the sender to the
recipient of the message. Media can be in the form of a material (software) and/or a
tool (hardware). Often the terms tools or communication media are used
interchangeably or as a substitute for the term educational media.
Hamalik (1994) stated that with the use of tools in the form of
communication media, communication relationships will be able to run smoothly
and with maximum results. Reiser and Gagne also argue that media boundaries are
like this (in Criticos, 1996; Gagne et al., 1988), which implicitly states that the
media are all physical tools used to convey the content of teaching materials. In
this sense, books/modules, tape recorders, cassettes, video recorders, video
cameras, television, radio, films, slides, photos, pictures, and computers are
learning media.
Based on the limitations of the media as mentioned above, it can be said
that learning media is everything related to software and hardware that can be used
to convey the content of teaching materials from learning resources to students
(individuals or groups), which can stimulate the mind, feelings, attention, and
interest in learning in such a way that the learning process (inside/outside the
classroom) becomes more effective.
1. Understanding Learning Media
According to the Association of Education and Communication
Technology / AECT (Sadiman and S 2010) etymologically, the word
"media" is the plural form of "medium," which comes from the Latin
"medius," which means 'middle.' In Indonesian, the word "medium" can
be interpreted as 'between' or 'medium' so that the notion of media can
lead to something that delivers or directs information (messages) between
the source (messenger) and the recipient of the message. Media can be
defined as a form and channel that can be used in the process of presenting