Page 63 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 63
The types of learning media today are very diverse, influenced by
their nature and characteristics. Therefore, the media can be classified in
various ways to meet classroom learning needs. The teacher's proper,
careful and thorough understanding of the classification and selection of
media types is a determining factor in the accuracy of conveying the
contents of learning messages from the source of the news to students as
recipients of the message. The types of learning media that are commonly
used consist of audio, visual, and motion audio-visual media.
Audio media is media whose message delivery can only be
received by the sense of hearing(Sadiman and S 2010). The message or
information is poured into auditive symbols through words, music, and
sound effects(Riyana, Retnasari, and Supriyadi 2019). In other words, this
type of media only involves the sense of hearing and manipulating
elements of sound or sound. Based on some of these definitions, it can be
defined that audio media is media that contains messages in auditive form
(can only be heard) that can stimulate students' thoughts, feelings,
attention, and willingness to learn the content of the themes presented.
Several types of audio media used in learning include audio cassettes,
broadcast audio, compact discs (compact discs), MP3 (MPEG Audio
Layer 3), WAV (Waveform Audio Format), internet radio, and language
Visual media is also called viewing media because someone can
appreciate the media through their eyesight. This media is divided into
two: visual media that is not projected and still projection media. Visual
media that are not launched are simple media, which do not require a
projector and screen to project software. Included in this type include: still
images or still images; visual media in the form of graphics, sketches,
diagrams, posters, charts or charts, flannel boards, and bulletin boards;
printed materials in the form of textbooks, modules, and teaching
materials or guide books; and practical and applicable media, which cover