Page 73 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 73


                          a.  The Purpose of Using Learning Media
                                     Sumantri  (1999:178) states that the objectives of learning

                              media include the following. First, it makes it easy for students to
                              understand  certain  concepts,  principles,  attitudes,  and  skills.
                              Through  learning  media,  teachers  can  concretize  and  provide

                              examples of  abstract ideas, directions, and perspectives and show
                              concrete  steps  and  examples  of  skills  that  will  be  formed  in

                              students. Second, provide different and varied learning experiences
                              to stimulate students' interest in learning. Through learning media,
                              teachers  not  only  explain  understanding  verbally  but  can  also

                              perform or be accompanied by images, video, text, and sound. In
                              addition,  the  media  can  also  be  used  by  students  in  independent

                              learning,  both  at  and  outside  school.  Third,  cultivate  certain
                              attitudes and skills in technology. Media can present concrete forms
                              or  examples  of  attitudes  or  skills  to  be  instilled  in  students.  In

                              addition, students are interested in using or operating media so that
                              they  will  indirectly  have  a  positive  attitude  towards  development
                              and  be  skilled  in  using  technology.  Fourth,  create  a  learning

                              situation  that  students  cannot  easily  forget.  Because  the  media
                              provides  a  learning  experience  that  activates  several  senses
                              simultaneously  or  successively,  the  learning  outcomes  can  last

                              longer  than  just  using  one  or  several  reasons.  Moreover,  in
                              interactive multimedia, students have the opportunity to operate on

                              their own and learn on their own from the media they work. This
                              will  also  increase  students'  resistance  to  the  material  they  have

                          b.  Functions and benefits of Learning Media
                                     The  effectiveness  of  the  teaching  and  learning  process

                              (learning) is strongly influenced by the factors of the method and
                              learning  media  used.  The  two  are  interrelated,  where  selecting  a
                              particular plan will affect the type of media used; in other words,
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