Page 74 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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there must be a match between the two to realize the learning
objectives. Although other things also need to be considered in the
selection of media, such as: learning context, learning
characteristics, tasks or expected responses from learning, learning
outcomes, the content of teaching materials, sequences, and
learning strategies are criteria for media selection and production.
Currently, the media has influenced all aspects of life in the
information age, although to different degrees. Furthermore,
Sadiman, et al. (1990) conveyed the function of media (educational
media) in general as follows:
1) Clarify the presentation of the message so that it is not too
2) Overcome limitations of space, time, and senses; for example,
objects too large to be brought to class can be replaced with
pictures, slides, and so on. Events that happened in the past can
be reproduced through films, videos, photos, or film frames;
3) Increasing enthusiasm for learning, enabling students to learn
on their own based on their interests and abilities, and
overcoming students' passive attitudes; and
4) Providing the same stimulus can equate students' experiences
and perceptions of the lesson's content. Sudjana and Rivai
(Sudjana and Rivai 1992) reveal several benefits of media in
the student learning process, namely:
a) it can foster students' learning motivation because
teaching will attract their attention;
b) the meaning of teaching materials will become clearer so
that students can understand and enable mastery and
achievement of teaching objectives;
c) teaching methods will be more varied, not solely based on
verbal communication through words; and