Page 79 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 79


                        components  of  people  (resources),  message  content,  materials,  tools,
                        techniques, and setting/environment.

                          a.  Criteria for Selection of Learning Resources
                                     There  are  several  factors  to  consider  in  selecting,
                              developing,  and  using  learning  resources.  The  basis  for  selecting

                              learning resources is straightforward; that is, it can meet the needs
                              or achieve the desired goals or not. Learning resources that can be

                              used  in  the  learning  process  are  very  diverse;  no  longer  is  the
                              teacher as the only learning resource in the classroom or textbooks
                              as  well  as  student  worksheets  which  are  a  source  of  student

                              learning, but many learning resources can be used by both teachers
                              and  students  in  the  teaching  and  learning  process.  So  that  in

                              education, students will be more able to become good learners, not
                              good listeners. With various learning resources that can be used by
                              students  and  teachers,  it  is  hoped  that  learning  will  be  more

                              meaningful for students.
                                     Several  things  must  be  considered  in  the  use  of  learning
                              resources as follows:

                              1)  Economical,  namely  the  costs  available  for  media
                                  procurement,  whether  you  have  to  buy  or  make  your  own,
                                  simple or complex, long term or short term.

                              2)  It is practical and straightforward in the sense that it is easy to
                                  reach, easy to implement, and easy to obtain.

                              3)  Flexible (can be developed and modified in order to achieve
                                  learning objectives.
                              4)  Relevant  to  teaching  objectives  and  other  teaching

                              5)  Can help the efficiency and effectiveness of achieving teaching

                              6)  Have  positive  values  for  both  teachers  and  students  in  the
                                  teaching process.
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