Page 77 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 77


                              4)  Interactive
                                     A  suitable  medium  can  lead  to  two-way  or  interactive

                              5)  Organization
                                     Another  essential  consideration  is  organizational  support;

                                  how is it organized? Is the school leadership supportive? Are
                                  the necessary facilities available?

                              6)  Novelty
                                     The  novelty  of  the  media  to  be  selected  must  also  be
                                  considered. Because newer media are usually more attractive

                                  to students. In fact, the learning process does not only use one
                                  type of media. The combination of various kinds of learning

                                  media  and  also  a  variety  of  types  of  learning  media  will
                                  provide  more  exciting  learning  conditions  and  situations,  not
                                  dull,  and  students  can  gain  more  learning  experiences.  The

                                  teacher's task in preparing the learning process is to select and
                                  create  learning  media  by  predetermined  objectives.  The
                                  decision  to  choose  learning  media  that  is  systematic  and

                                  careful is critical to solve the problem of successful and cost-
                                  effective learning. This statement shows how vital the stages of
                                  selecting  and  developing  learning  media  are  so  that  the

                                  learning process can run well. Several essential things need to
                                  be considered in establishing and  developing learning media.

                                  The method of selecting existing or developing new media is
                                  based  on  context,  expectations,  performance  conditions,
                                  available resources, culture, and practicality. The selection of

                                  the type of learning media is made for several reasons:
                                  a)  Learning  media  is  selected  to  improve  the  quality  of

                                  b)  Learning media are selected to present and strengthen the
                                      most  essential  knowledge  and  skills.  Media  is  usually
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