Page 78 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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                                      used  to  submit  content.  Media  also  serves  as  a  tool  to
                                      reinforce  crucial  points  so  that  learning  outcomes  can

                                  c)  Variations in the use of various types of learning media
                                      will   reinforce   information   and   offer   additional

                                      opportunities  to  strengthen  learning  without  making
                                      students repeat the learning material;

                                  d)  Learning  media  is  chosen  to  accommodate  the  different
                                      characteristics of students, mainly because of the various
                                      learning styles that students have. Learning style refers to

                                      a  group  of  psychological  traits  that  determine  how  a
                                      person feels and interacts in a learning environment.

                                     Ronald H. Anderson (1987) describes the logical steps that
                              must  be  taken  in  the  process  of  selecting  and  making  learning
                              media.  These  steps  are  presented  with  questions  that  must  be

                              answered  so  that  they  will  eventually  lead  to  groups  of  types  of
                              learning  media.  The  questions  in  each  step  of  the  selection  of
                              teaching  media  are  questions  that  connect  the  content  and

                              objectives of understanding with several characteristics of the types
                              of learning media. The media selection steps are presented in a flow
                              chart  so  the  media  selection  process  can  be  carried  out

                    2.  Understanding Learning Resources

                              Based  on  the  explanation  by  the  Association  for  Education  and
                        Communication Technology (AECT). Learning resources are everything
                        that  supports  the  learning  process,  including  service  systems,  learning

                        materials, and the environment. Learning resources are not only limited to
                        materials and tools but also include labor, costs, and facilities. Learning

                        resources  can  be  used  in  learning  activities,  either  separately  or  in
                        combination,  making  it  easier  for  students  to  achieve  learning  goals  or
                        competencies. Learning resources as an instructional component consist of
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