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information (storage), to revealing information that has been stored
(retrieval) (Budiningsih, 2005: 81-93).
The theory of socio-cultural revolution sociocultural-revolution)
States that an increase in a person's mental functions mainly comes from
social life or the group. The concept of genetic laws regarding
development, zones of proximal development, and mediation—as
proposed by Vygotsky—proves that a person's way of thinking must be
explained by his socio-cultural and historical background (Budiningsih,
2005: 107). Degeng (in Wena, 2009:2) states that learning is an effort to
teach students. In
i_info507.html, the definitions and definitions of learning according to
several experts are presented. According to Knowles, learning is a way of
organizing students to achieve educational goals. According to Slavin,
learning is a change in individual behavior caused by experience.
According to Woolfolk, learning occurs when an experience
produces permanent changes in knowledge and behavior. Crow defines
learning as the acquisition of character, knowledge, and attitudes. Rahil
Mahyuddin states that learning is a behavior change involving cognitive
skills, namely the mastery of knowledge and the development of
intellectual skills. Achjar Chalil revealed that learning is a process of
student interaction with educators and learning resources in a learning
environment. Corey said that learning is a process by which a person's
background is deliberately managed to enable him to participate in certain
behaviours under particular conditions. Kimble defines learning as a
relatively permanent change in behaviour due to reinforced practice.
Munif Chatib stated that learning is a two-way knowledge transfer process
between teachers as information providers and students as recipients of the
information. Sudrajat noted that learning is a teacher's effort to change
student behaviour so that they want to learn.