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group through mutual respect and respect and allowing for their religious
beliefs. Afrizal Nur and Mukhlis (2015), in their research mention some of the
characteristics of a moderate Muslim as follows: (1) taking the middle path;
(2) continuous; (3) straight and firm; (4) tolerance; (5) egalitarian; (6)
consultation; (7) peace/reform; (8) prioritizing the priority; (9) dynamic and
innovative; and (10) civilized. On the other hand, someone who does not have
some of these characteristics or even has the opposite attitude and behaviour
can be said to be an immoderate person. Based on the understanding and
explanation above, it can be concluded that the values of religious moderation
include: mutual respect and respect, compassion, cooperation and mutual
assistance, fairness, peace, tolerance, living in harmony, and caring and
sympathetic to others.
3. Dimensions of Religious Moderation
The dimensions of religious moderation put forward by the Ministry
of Religion are four things, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-
violence, and accommodating to local culture (Ministry of Religion, 2019).
However, the dimension of religious tolerance is used as a separate variable so
that it is excluded from the concept and variable of religious moderation in
this study.
a. National commitment is a significant indicator to see the extent to
which a person's perspective, attitude, and religious practice have an
impact on loyalty to the basic national consensus, especially related
to the acceptance of Pancasila as the state ideology, his attitude
towards ideological challenges that are contrary to Pancasila, and
nationalism. Part of the national commitment is acceptance of the
principles of the nation as contained in the 1945 Constitution and the
regulations under it.
b. Rejection of violence is the attitude and behaviour of rejecting all
forms of violence in the name of religion. The term radicalism or
violence in the context of religious moderation can be understood as
an ideology (idea or idea) and an understanding that wants to make