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d. The dimension of personal practice is a dimension that refers to
social expectations that religious individuals devote themselves to
individual religious activities and rituals. In the system of private
religious construction, this dimension is represented as a pattern of
actions and styles of personal devotion to get closer to God.
Dimensions include various activities and rituals more personal in
human relationships with God, such as prayer and meditation. A
standard indicator to measure this dimension is the general intensity
of private practice expressing a person's spiritual connection,
experience, and transcendental dialogue with his Lord.
e. The dimension of religious experience is a dimension that refers to
social expectations that religious individuals have transcendental and
spiritual experiences that affect a person emotionally. In the system
of personal religious construction, this dimension is represented as a
pattern of religious perceptions, experiences, and feelings because a
direct relationship to God is perceived as having an important effect
in real life. The general indicator can be the intensity of experience
and an intangible feeling that God is indeed present and determines
the aspects of life in question.
6. Internalization and Implementation of Religious Moderation in
Learning Media
Viewed from a general understanding, religious moderation means
promoting balance in terms of beliefs, morals, discourses, and actions as
individual or group religious expressions. Religious attitudes and behaviours
based on these balanced values are carried out consistently in the form of
acknowledging and understanding different individuals and other groups.
Religious moderation is manifested in a tolerant attitude, respecting
differences of opinion, respecting pluralism, and not aggressively imposing
one's will on behalf of certain religious beliefs (Azis, et al., 2019).
Indicators of religious moderation, with the principles of middle
ground, balance, justice, tolerance, and equality, can be observed and