Page 96 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 96


                A.  Introduction
                       This  chapter  will  present  the  development  of  learning  media  based  on

                religious  moderation.  There  are  four  main  topics:  the  concept  of  moderation  in
                learning,  the  integration  of  the  value  of  moderation  in  education,  moderation
                learning, and the application of religious moderation values in creative media. Each

                topic will be discussed in more detail and in-depth in several sub-topics.
                B.  Learning Objectives

                       After  attending  this  lecture,  students  can  explain  the  concept  and
                application of moderation in learning, how to integrate the value of moderation in
                learning,  how  to  learn  moderation,  and  how  to  apply  the  values  of  religious

                moderation in creative media.
                C.  Material

                       Religious moderation is one of the Ministry of Religion programs stated in
                Presidential  Decree  no.  18  of  2020  regarding  the  RPJMN  2020-2024.  The
                Presidential  Regulation  was  followed  up  with  the  issuance  of  the  Minister  of

                Religion Regulation No. 18 of 2020 concerning the Strategic Plan of the Ministry
                of  Religion  2020-2024  which  has  planned  the  implementation  of  religious
                moderation and targets for strengthening religious moderation, which is carried out

                on  an  ongoing  basis.  Socialization  of  religious  moderation  is  not  only  given  to
                religious leaders and the State Civil Apparatus as agents of religious moderation
                but is also implemented in education.

                       Following  up  on  the  religious  moderation  program,  the  Ministry  of
                Religion's Research and Development Agency 2019 published a sacred moderation

                book  used  for  schools  and  madrasas.  The  book  contains  conceptual  religious
                moderation,  practical  experience,  and  strategies  for  strengthening  and
                implementing religious moderation. In the abstract section of religious moderation,

                it  is  stated  that  there  are  4  (four)  indicators  of  religious  moderation, namely:  1)
                national commitment, 2) tolerance, 3) non-violence, and 4) accommodating to local

                culture (Ministry of Religion, 2019). The book on religious moderation states that
                there are 9 (nine) values of moderation or wasathiyah, namely: middle (tawassuth),
                upright  (i'tidal),  tolerance  (tasamuh),  deliberation  (shura),  reform  (ishlah),
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