Page 101 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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needs, not merely an effort to achieve what has been targeted by the
curriculum. Thus the typology of independent learning teachers is a
moderate teacher. Moderate teachers mean teachers who, in making
decisions about methods, materials, evaluations, and other supporting
processes for student success, must have the approval and knowledge
of students as learning participants. Thus, independent learning
means that the teacher is moderate in determining the material,
choosing the method, determining the level of questions posed to
students, and being moderate in deciding student grades.
Moderation in education was firstborn in an article about
Moderation and Teacher Learning; what can research tell us about
their interrelationships? (Hipkins and Sally, 2011) from the New
Zealand Council for Educational Research on research that focuses
on teacher learning through social moderation found that so far,
learning has not touched the aspect of teacher professional insight in
being moderate in teaching. The findings of this study became the
primary basis for this research design that the concept of moderation
in education, especially in the process of internalizing moderate
values in learning, already needs to be a concern for teachers so that
students or students can follow the learning process by their
competence in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This process
will result in equal, fair, and transparent action and treatment in
2. Integration of Moderation Values in learning
Learning in schools in Indonesia, in general, has not yet made the
concept of moderation an essential variable of concern for teachers in making
decisions in learning. In the general idea, the value of moderation in education
can be integrated before, during, and after the implementation of the
assessment (Maxwell, 2002). This means that the value of moderation can be
used as a core value for teachers in preparing lesson plans, implementing
learning, and implementing learning evaluations and assessments. Learning