Page 105 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
P. 105


                         forms of social inequality between traditional and modern markets, poor
                         and rich people. Social inequality.

                                The curriculum in madrasas discusses the implementation of the
                         madrasa curriculum, namely teaching and learning activities that include
                         activities  inside  and  outside  the  classroom.  One  of  the  differences

                         between the 2013 and previous curricula is that all stakeholders have an
                         essential role in implementing the curriculum so that they can meet clear

                         and  steady  subject  standards  based  on  their  outputs.  More  importantly,
                         the 2013 curriculum requires teachers to be more creative and innovative.
                         Teaching staff in madrasas is necessary to achieve curriculum goals by

                         constantly  trying  to  improve  quality  by  becoming  learning  teachers  by
                         activating  performance  and  skills.  In  this  case,  teachers  are  directed  to

                         attend seminars and workshops to support curriculum implementation.
                                Contemporary  learning  issues  each  have  advantages  and
                         disadvantages.  When  face-to-face  learning  is  direct,  education  is  very

                         effective  because  teachers  and  students  in  the  communication  learning
                         process  can  run  smoothly.  Teachers,  in  this  case,  can  see  directly  by
                         assessing  the  ability  of  students  to  understand  the  lessons  given.

                         Weaknesses  in  the  face-to-face  learning  process  require  classroom
                         facilities.  They  can  foster  an  understanding  of  science  directly  by
                         influencing the psychology of students so that they can instil good ethics.

                         In this learning process, the media used is audio.
                         b.  Visual Media

                                Asynchronous  learning  uses  several  Learning  Management
                         Systems  (LMS),  such  as  Google  Class  Room  and  Padlet.  The  padlet
                         application  consists  of  LMS,  types  of  learning  media  consisting  of

                         Synchronous  and  Asynchronous),  Canva  (used  to  create  bulletins  and
                         power points),  and Quizizz.  In  asynchronous  applications,  it  is  used  to

                         upload student materials and assignments. A-Synchronous is a different
                         learning  time  of  the  same  media,  for  example,  WhatsApp.  Learning
                         innovation process that utilizes creative media. The learning media was
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