Page 102 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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                    that denies moderate values can be found in the procedures used by teachers
                    when  analysing  student  differences  in  terms  of  basic  knowledge  and

                    experience before determining the subject matter. This is because the teacher,
                    in compiling material and material indicators and subject matter, still strictly
                    refers to the syllabus set by the government. This condition affects the gap in

                    students' ability to understand and master the material taught by the teacher.
                    Likewise, the teacher's decision in choosing learning methods and media does

                    not  consider  the  aspect  of  moderation  in  its  determination  so  that  not  all
                    students  can  actively  participate  in  learning  with  the  methods  and  media
                    chosen by the teacher.

                            Little et al. (2003) suggested several teacher characteristics, including
                    (1) Assessing student performance more consistently, effectively, confidently,

                    and fairly; (2) Building general knowledge about curriculum expectations and
                    achievement  levels;  (3)  Identifying  strengths  and  areas  of  growth  based  on
                    evidence  of  student  learning;  (4)  Adapt  and  acquire  new  learning  by

                    comparing  one's  thoughts  with  the  thoughts  of  others,  whether  students  or
                    teachers; and (5) Sharing effective practices to meet the needs of all students,
                    monitor  progress,  and  celebrate  growth.  The  whole  process  must  have  the

                    value  of  accountability,  fairness,  transparency,  and  communication  between
                    students and teachers. According to Little et al. (2003), the most potent aspect
                    of  teacher  moderation  is  a  discussion  involving  students  in  conducting

                    assessments and collectively sharing effective strategies in planning the next
                    steps for learning.

                            Theoretical support for this concept is found in research at universities
                    in Turkey that to encourage universities to improve the quality of standards
                    that are equivalent to international standards, they must have the quality from

                    various  aspects  such  as  the  quality  of  teaching  and  learning,  students,
                    programs, graduates, resources, and good governance. Balanced must include

                    comprehensive moderation (Wasatiyyah) in achieving the best as a provider of
                    knowledge for the nation (Hj. Yaakub & Othman, 2018). This study found the
                    position and position of moderation as a determining element of the success of
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