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educational institutions in improving their quality. The implementation of
restraint in its basic concept can involve different school teachers, not only in
certain institutions, for example, in setting assessment standards in one subject
that must consider students' social conditions and even the use of ICT media
in learning (Adie, 2008). The value will be the same even though the students'
scores are different because of the technology variables that students can take
advantage of while other students do not. While Sadler (1998), as cited in
Wyatt-Smith et al., 2010), describes three sequential components of a teacher's
assessment of student work; teachers pay attention to learner work, assess
work by standards, and make responses or assessment results. At each
decision point, at these three stages, different teachers may use different types
of resources when making assessments, and conclusions will also be different
while the results of student work or student work are the same.
3. Moderation Learning with Media
Religion teaches students to be able to carry out and create the life of
rahmatan lilalamin so that students gain a balanced understanding of religion
by the teachings of religious values and avoid justification for certain groups
by paying attention to social, moral, and moral values. Innovation is an
activity that aims to develop the practical application of new scientific values
and contexts or new techniques to apply existing science and technology; this
is based on Law No. 18 of 2002 (Udin Syaefudin, 2014). Educational media
are facilities and infrastructure to carry out learning activities through the
development of visual and auditory functions (Herry Noer Aly, 1999); It
becomes important to conduct innovative religious moderation learning by
utilizing creative media.
Innovation and creative media, as well as efficiency, are an
inseparable part of the current study of religious moderation education
learning. Therefore, it is necessary to study further related problems: How is
Religious Moderation Learning Innovation in Schools / Madrasas that use
creative media. The function of learning media is to foster learning
motivation, learning is understood more quickly by students, and learning