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measured in individual and group acceptance of the nation's culture and
ideology. The moderate attitude and behaviour of Indonesian Muslims in
religion require their approval of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia (NKRI) by prioritizing living in harmony, both when there are
differences of religious opinion among internal believers of the same religion
or with followers of different faiths. This spiritual model prioritizes tolerance
for the progress of the nation and state, which is based on the spirit of
diversity (Hanafi, 2019).
Based on the principles of value above, there are 4 (four) indicators of
religious moderation, namely: (1) national commitment, (2) tolerance, (3) anti-
radicalism and violence, and (4) accommodating to local wisdom (Azis, et al.
al., 2019). National commitment' is a very important indicator to see the extent
to which a person or group's religious perspective and expression towards the
state ideology, especially their commitment to accept Pancasila as the basis of
the state. Tolerance is a willingness to give space without disturbing other
parties to believe, express faith, and express opinions, even though these are
different from their beliefs and opinions. Meanwhile, anti-radicalism and
violence are balanced and fair religious attitudes and expressions, which
prioritize, respect, and understand wisely and wisely the reality of differences
in society. Meanwhile, accommodating local wisdom is a flexible and flexible
attitude and behaviour in religion, accompanied by a willingness to accept
local traditions and culture, as long as they do not conflict with the basic
principles of religion. It is a necessity to internalize and implement the values
of religious moderation through education.
7. Learning to Use Media to Internalize Religious Values
Due to the importance of technology as a learning medium, some
efforts to teach religious values to students in formal meetings and through
social interactions can be effective and efficient. In line with Susilana and
Riyana's statement, here are some of the benefits of learning how to use digital
technology as a medium to internalize the various values of religion that can
be observed in students: