Page 85 - TEACHING MEDIA 101
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in addressing two behaviours that allow for analysis and comparison by the
conditions and do not conflict with values. Religious teachings and
community traditions (Hanafi, 2009). So with this understanding, the
wasathiyah attitude will protect a person from excessive tendencies that tend
to be one-sided or extreme right or extreme left. The terminological version of
moderation (al-wasthiyah), as stated by Yusuf Qardhawi in the book Khasais
al-Ammah li Al-Islam, says that moderation with the same expression, namely
al-tawasuth or al-tawazun, is an effort to maintain a balance between the two
sides/ends/ opposite or contradictory edges so that one does not dominate and
emphasizes the other (Qardhawi, 1983). Based on the two definitions above, it
can be concluded that moderation is the attitude of someone who does not take
sides with the extreme right and extreme left. This attitude is in the middle and
does not favour one another. As stated in an expression, khairul age ausathuha
(the best affairs are middle ones).
Then what is called religion? According to the KBBI, religion is a
system that regulates the system of faith (belief) and worship of the Almighty
God, as well as the rules relating to the association of humans and humans and
their environment. Moreover, Jhon R. Benet in E. S. Anshori concluded that
religion and the deen are generally a credo system (a system of faith) or (a
belief system) for the existence of something absolute outside of humans
(Anshari, 2004).
As stated above, the word religion begins with the affix to become
religious, which is an attitude that exists within a person's individual and
encourages him to behave according to the level of holy obedience. This
spiritual attitude is also supported by one's understanding of his religion.
Furthermore, a person's view or belief in the religion he adheres to will give
rise to a religious typology, as stated by Komarudin Hidayat, namely a
religious typology that is exclusive, inclusive, pluralist, elective, and universal
topology. Each of these types has its own characteristics. Of the five types of
religion, in the context of religious moderation, what is expected is an
inclusive type of religion. Someone who has an inclusive attitude will be of