Page 247 - Manual_Movie Edit Pro 2021_EN_Neat
P. 247

Burning   247

                        Using navigation links above you can reach the structure of the menu entries.
                                               •  All movies are listed as first entries. The
                                                  corresponding menu level is the film menu.
                                               •  All scenes are listed as second entries next to it to
                                                  the right. The corresponding menu level is the
                                                  chapter menu.
                                               Removing the red check deactivates the corresponding
                                               entry in the chapter menu. The scenes are still displayed
                                               of course, but you can no longer select them directly from
                                               the menu.
                                               •  You can open the movie menu for further editing by
                                                  clicking on the movie above it.
                                               •  If you click on one of the chapters, the chapter menu
                                                  in the preview will be opened for editing.

                        Disc options

                        Here you can activate or deactivate certain elements or even complete menus.

                        Intro video: Press this button to load videos to be used as introductions to your discs.
                        The following formats are supported: "*.avi", "*.mpg", "*.mxv", "*.vob". The intro is
                        played immediately after the DVD has been inserted into the player. The DVD menu
                        will then appear. A check mark "Do not skip" ensures that the intro video must be
                        played completely each time the disc is inserted and that it may not be skipped with
                        the remote control or otherwise.

                        Film menu & chapter menu
                        The disc menu essentially consists of two layers:

                        Film menu: The upper layer includes the film menu, which is only used if a project
                        contains multiple movies.
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