Page 54 - TRWRR 8-6-2016_Neat
P. 54

The Red Well-Read Reader

Story 64

          Arf, Arf

      The shaggy dog - certainly no dwarf -
      Lives with his master upon a wharf
      Whenever hungry he barks, "ARF, ARF "
      Then fish is served him which “down” he'll scarf


      Yet not once has he thrown Up

           In other words, -

Story 65

                          Sarge and Marge

Father and daughter are Sarge and Marge.

In combat, Sarge leads his soldiers on an enemy charge with weapons loaded with
gunpowder charge. And on base, he runs a river barge.

The duties of Marge are not so large: housework is her only assigned charge. So
therefore she plays tiddlywinks to give herself a second charge."

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