Page 55 - TRWRR 8-6-2016_Neat
P. 55

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                        Story 66
                                                                                                    Noah's Ark

                                         To whom did Noah hark before he built his ark ?

                                         Did he work just in the sunlight or also in the dark ?
                                         Did he take any birds like a robin or a lark ? Of
course he didn't take a whale or a shark ! But did he take two seals, and loudly did
they bark ?

What does the Bible remark? Does it tell of the voyage on the world's arc, the
flood's high-water mark, and where the ark finally came to park ? For how long
did the earth look stark ? When did Noah's problems no longer cark ?

                                                              Story 67
                                                             A Quarrel

                              Blamed the traffic to snarl,

                                     Got into a quarrel.
                                 With his lips gnarled,

                                        Carl snarled.
                                   Had there not been
                           A policeman mounted on a sorrel1
                            There likely would have been
                              More than a mere quarrel.

1. A reddish-brown house.

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