Page 3 - SCRATCH Annual Report
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How does one describe this 18th year in the life of SCRATCH? It has been a year of increased need and therefore of
provision by the organisation. It has been a year of consolidation following changes in positions and Job Descriptions for
some staff members. And it has been a year of change for the board of directors with some people leaving and new
ones taking on the responsibility.
The need for this amazing organisation has not diminished, but seems to increase year on year. Whether it’s Welfare
Support, Furniture and Household items, Toys at Christmas or new Community Food Members for Fareshare. All of this
raises the pressure on all our staff and volunteers to meet those needs with the same compassion and care as ever.
There have been significant changes this year in Positions, Responsibilities and Job Specifications for several staff and
all must be praised for the way that those changes have been managed. We have a great team all of whom should be
recognised for their hard work throughout the year.
Changes have taken place at Board level as well. Howard May, (who has chaired the Board of Directors for the last two
years), Richard Harris and Barrie Worth have left us having served collectively for over twenty years. Our thanks go to
each of them for all of their time, commitment and wisdom. We at the same time as saying farewell to them welcome
new members to the Board: Ann Laird, Edgar Meyer and Nick Warn.
On behalf of the Directors I would like to thank the whole team for all that they have achieved throughout the year,
(2016 /17) whether Senior Management Team, paid Staff, our amazing volunteers and my fellow directors without whom
none of this would be possible.
Working together we make a massive difference, not just for our clients, but I believe, for the whole city of Southampton.
Without us, the people of Southampton and the surrounding area would be facing more difficult times.
Every blessing
Chris Davis MBE
Chair of the Board of Directors

Integrity - Respect - Compassion - Fairness - Enabling  2
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