Page 349 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 349

Quranic Wisdom

                    It is this intellectual activity that is called in the Quran zikr-
                 e-kathir. For example, if it is raining, a believer will very soon
                 present  his  shukr, that  is, acknowledgment  to  God.  Then he
                 will start thinking further: what caused the downpour? He will
                 discover the natural processes that resulted in rain. He will think
                 that when the water was in the ocean, it was salty, but when it
                 took the form of downpour, it turned into freshwater. So step
                 by step he will discover how God created various process which
                 finally provided him water to drink. This is an example of chain
                 reaction in thinking, and through this chain reaction, you begin
                 to discover items of realization of God. If you are a prepared
                 mind, then this process will continue without limit.
                    This chain reaction of zikr will enhance your marefat, that is,
                 realization and discovery of God. It will enhance your relationship
                 with God. It will increase your wisdom and power of analysis.
                 This will enhance your capacity to sort things out, and so on.

                    According to the Quran, believers are given a unique blessing,
                 that is, they are able to add faith to their faith. (48:4) This is not
                 a mysterious phenomenon, it is a direct result of the above kind
                 of chain reaction. This chain reaction of zikr is very important
                 for personality development. A  believer  increases  his divine
                 spirituality through this process.

                            Triggering the Mind

                       rigger is a mechanical term. It is a device which actuates
                  Tthe firing sequence of a firearm. It is used to initiate the firing
                 of a cartridge in the firing chamber of the weapon. This is the
                 mechanical concept of triggering but there is also an intellectual
                 triggering. Just as mechanical trigger can produce an explosive
                 result, the same is true of intellectual triggering.

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