Page 353 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 353

Quranic Wisdom

                    This  exception  of  the human being  is not any form of
                 discrimination against man. Instead, it is a good tiding for him.
                 It is meant to activate his mind to think why in a world where
                 every creature has been provided its counterpart or habitat, man
                 is the only exception who has been deprived in this regard? If
                 man engages in deep contemplation, he will discover that this is
                 a result of a great divine planning.
                    The fact is that the present world is not an eternal world.
                 Scientific  research  reports  that  our world is  dying and  a day
                 will come when the world will become totally uninhabitable for
                 humans. It means that even if man gets his required habitat in
                 this world, it would certainly be for a temporary period. However,
                 man’s high hopes cannot be fulfilled except in an eternal habitat.
                 God Almighty has prepared this eternal habitat for man in some
                 place in the  vast  universe, just  as He has  created the  present
                 temporary world. This fact is mentioned in the chapter Al-Sajdah
                 (Prostration) of the Quran in these words:
                      No soul knows what is hidden for them of that which
                      will refresh the eyes; a reward for what they did. (32:17)

                    The only condition to find an honourable seat in the eternal
                 habitat of Paradise is one. That is, man should prepare himself
                 as a deserving candidate for this perfect world. A day will come
                 when man will  find the missing  item of  creation,  not in the
                 present world, but in the world hereafter.

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