Page 350 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 350

Triggering the Mind

                    For example, if you take a glass of water and drink from it,
                 this is also an occasion that can trigger your mind. If you are
                 an awakened mind, you are bound to reflect on how water was
                 created. If you think how two gases could combine and form a
                 very useful liquid (H O), it would certainly trigger your mind.
                    If you continue your thinking process, it is bound to lead to a
                 high level of spiritual development. Every moment you face such
                 experiences in the form of the rising of the sun in the morning,
                 the continuous supply of oxygen from air, the flying of birds in
                 the sky, green  trees  standing  on  the surface  of  earth, flowing
                 streams and  so on. There are numerous such  phenomena  in
                 nature that may trigger your mind and give you a high kind of
                 spiritual food.

                    Anyone who wants to live as a spiritual person
                        must develop himself as a person who can
                                   engage in tawassum.

                    The only condition is that you should be a prepared mind.
                 A prepared mind is like a loaded gun; if the gun is loaded then
                 the trigger will work, otherwise not. If you are a prepared mind
                 or an intellectually awakened person, then every experience or
                 observation is bound to trigger your mind and compel you to
                 take to serious contemplation. It will initiate a thinking process
                 in your mind. If you are not an awakened mind, then you will live
                 in the midst of experiences but fail to avail it as an opportunity
                 for spiritual development. You will live as a person who is blind
                 and due to his blindness the rising rays of the sun are not visible
                 to him.
                    Jesus Christ said the following prayer:
                      O Lord! Give us this  day our  daily  bread  (Mathew

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