Page 354 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 354
According to the Quran, a person’s life has been divided into two
phases: the pre-death period and the post-death period.
The present life is only temporary and is meant as a test. Depending
upon our performance in this test, we shall be judged in the eternal life
after death. The Quran aims to make one aware of this reality and help Quranic
one lead one’s life in this world in such a way that one is rewarded with
Paradise in the life Hereafter. Quranic Wisdom
“‘Quran’ is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is ‘to be read’. This means that
the Quran is a book of study.” Wisdom
“Learning is basic to all our hopes and aspirations: the greater the learning, the
greater the progress in life.”
“All men and women are equal in the eyes of God. If there is any difference,
it is only between the Creator and His creatures.”
“If you read the Quran, you will find that almost all its verses convey the same MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN
positive message, either directly or indirectly.”
“A good man is one who is like a good tree. A tree begins from a seed, then
it turns into a plant, then a strong trunk, then branches and leaves, and then
flowers and fruits.”
“Saying Bismillah is, thus, an acknowledgement of the higher authority—that
without God’s blessings you could not achieve anything in this world.”
“God is not the God of some community or group, He is the God of all
MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN is the founder of Centre
for Peace and Spirituality, New Delhi, an organization
dedicated to presenting Islam to the world as a complete
ideology of peace. The Maulana is the author of The
Prophet of Peace, The Age of Peace, Islam and World Peace,
and numerous other best-selling books on Islam. He has
been internationally recognized for his contributions to
world peace.
ISBN 9789351790518
9 789351 790518