Page 351 - Quranic Wisdom - New.indd
P. 351

Quranic Wisdom

                    The same is referred to in the Quran as rizq-e-rabb (20:131),
                 that is, the provision of God.
                    Daily bread and divine provision are not mysterious terms.
                 They are derived through a well-known method that is referred
                 to in the Quran as tawassum (15:75). That is, to draw spiritual
                 lessons from material events or experiences. Anyone who wants
                 to live as a spiritual person must develop himself as a person
                 who can engage in tawassum. He must enable himself to draw
                 spiritual lessons from the apparently non-spiritual experiences
                 of daily life.

                    The Missing Item of Creation

                   n its Chapter 103, the Quran declares that time is a witness
                 Ithat man is in loss. (103:1-2). Here, “time” means history. It
                 is a sweeping remark on the whole history of mankind. That is,
                 everyone’s case was a case of failure. There are many persons in
                 history who acquired great wealth, political power, fame and all
                 kinds of good things of life, but no one was in a position to say
                 that he achieved what he wanted to achieve. There is no record
                 in history that refutes this remark of the Quran.
                    Man is born with great desires and ambitions. Everyone tries
                 to fulfil his or her desires and achieve his or her ambitions. But
                 it is seen that everyone fails. A person’s greatest urge is to achieve
                 complete fulfilment, but he dies with his desires unfulfilled.

                    It is not only the concern of human beings; more than that it
                 is a question mark on creation itself. The Quran claims that the
                 universe is a perfect universe. To this effect the Quran says in the
                 chapter Al-Mulk (The Kingdom):
                      God  created  seven heavens one  above the  other  in

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