Page 12 - iNET Magazine April 2022
P. 12
By Jeffrey Morris
Know who you are, Be who you are, Do what
you are! – Jeff Morris, DreamSmart
Academy, LLC
The most challenging thing to do in a
constantly changing world is to know “who”
you are, “be” who you are, but do what you
are. We hear “who” and “what” we should be Understanding the Five Universal Needs and
and do from many sources. Our parents tell Desires of All People has implications for our
us, our teachers tell us, and our friends have personal and professional lives.
are full of people telling us who and what we
their opinions too! Our social media platforms
should be, what we should do, and what we Remember, as you continue your journey
through life, every time you have a
should have.
conversation with someone in the future or
To live a life of purpose, passion, authenticity, have a chance to interact with someone in
and significance, we must be willing, to begin your daily life, you have an opportunity to
with, a sober assessment of self. We must be apply this new knowledge. Using this
willing to ask the question, Who Am I? We knowledge allows one to make deep and
must also master the Art of Connecting with authentic connections with all people. High
people. Read the rest of this article with a trust relationships and authentic people
growth mindset and sacrifice the illusion that connections are the glue entrepreneurs need
you already have all the answers. Read with to build and sustain long-term growth in their
the anticipation of a renewed sense of businesses and personal lives.
purpose, passion, and a need to “want to
know more.” Look for new tools to add to your LIFE MOST DIFFICULT QUESTION - WHO
life and entrepreneurial backpack. AM I?
As all people have universal needs and
FIVE UNIVERSAL NEEDS AND DESIRES desires, there is also one universal question
OF ALL PEOPLE every human being must wrestle with. Every
After traveling the world, and thousands of human being must answer one question: “Who
conversations with people from all walks of Am I?” Everyone ponders this question at
life, ethnicities, socio-economic means, some point in their life. Some successfully
values systems, and religious beliefs, it has answer this question and lead lives of great
been my observation that all human beings significance, passion, and purpose. Others
have Five Universal Needs and Desires, (1) find the question challenging and never look
freedom (2) an objective view of self (Identity) within to find the answer.
(3) life purpose (4) clearly defined gifts,
talents, abilities, (5) the desire to make a
significant contribution to the world FIVE QUESTIONS TO LIVE A
leveraging their gifts, talents, and abilities. TRANSFORMED LIFE - “WHO AM I?”
What is my Behavioral SuperPowers Identity?
As entrepreneurs, coaches, trainers, What are my unique gifts, talents, abilities?
educators, mentors, consultants, leaders, What are my Behavioral SuperPowers?
parents, teachers, and significant others, it is
essential to understand people's universal What significant contribution can I make based
needs and desires if we are to impact the on my Behavioral SuperPowers? (Gifts, abilities,
and talents)
world we imagine. How could this knowledge
transform the many relationships in our lives? How can I architect my life’s purpose based on
this knowledge?
iNETrepreneur Magazine | Page 12