Page 19 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
P. 19
The Importance Of Asking
Beautiful Questions
by Tamara Linnan
I recently read the book by Warren Berger, A More
Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark
Breakthrough Ideas, Berger argues that while seeking
answers is important, we must first learn to ask the
right questions of ourselves and those around us.
Berger takes us inside global start out asking lots of questions
businesses (at the time he wrote his when they’re young, and ask Tamara’s mother Nancy committed
book) such as Google , Netflix , and fewer and fewer questions as they suicide January 7th, 1987 at the
Airbnb to show how questioning grow older. So, for a company to age of 33. Tamara was just 8 years
is what built these companies. maintain that questioning mindset old and has been working in the
He also shares inspiring stories of as it matures, it must keep thinking mental health advocacy arena
average people that became the in an entrepreneurial way. since the age of 13.
best in their industry simply asking
themselves the perfect/imperfect Train yourself and all staff to Tamara formed The Starving Dog
“beautiful questions” ask questions that you do not Action Pak which is a group of
know the answers to yet. If one entrepreneurs that give back to
How does one define a perfect/ only asks questions one already the community with the motto
imperfect “beautiful question”? know the answers to, neither you #putactionwhereyourhashtagis. All
This is totally subjective, but nor your company will progress members of The Starving Dog are
I define a perfect beautiful forward. And that means you’re business owners that take proceeds
question as a question or multiple not exploring and probably not from their for profit business and
questions that will challenges a innovating. are actively giving back to their local
situation or procedure. “Is there What are your favorite perfect/ communities.
an easier more productive way imperfect beautiful questions
to tackle this issue? “ A perfect/ in the context of business Tamara turned her dispatching
imperfect question shifts the way breakthrough ideas? I would love company Front Office Solutions into
we think about something and to hear your favorite stories in a NON Profit that pays for mental
sets in motion a process than can breakthrough ideas. health services for Veterans, Teen
result in change. One other thing I Cutters, and their family members.
would mention about the perfect Tamara Linnan is the CEO of Front Office Solutions Employs
beautiful question: It should be Profitable Shenanigans, creating Chronically Ill Veterans or their
ambitious, and actionable. opportunities that go well beyond family members to ensure nobody
any bank account. has to choose between work and
Entrepreneurs —or the successful health again. All clients of FOS are
ones—do a wonderful job asking She is also a Mother, Serial employing someone in need.
perfect/imperfect beautiful Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author,
questions. They almost have no Podcast Host & Host of The
choice—their whole reason for Syndicated Talk Show Touch Base
being is to disrupt, innovate, and Tuesday that highlights mental @starvingdognomore on Facebook
solve problems no one else is health, recognizing toxic situations,
solving. Companies tend to evolve and leveraging trauma for business
the same we as people do: They success.