Page 16 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
P. 16

Why Choosing The Right

                                                        Printer Matters

                                                                                 With Joel Brookmyer

                                                        With  a  vast  on-line  presence  and  competitive  edge  in  the
                                                        printing, graphics, and promotional product arena, International
                                                        Minute Press of Casa Grande (IMP) continues to be a forerunner
                                                        in the greater Phoenix area. “This is due to our personal approach
                                                        to  our  customers,  continuously  expanding  our  equipment  to
                                                        maintain competitive pricing, and of course, our free delivery,”
                                                        said Joel Brookmyer, owner of IMP Casa Grande.

        As a family owned and operated  and  I  believe  part  of  our  strength
        business,  IMP  Casa  Grande  has  is  to  not  only  print,  but  also  advise
        enjoyed serving the community  our customers on the strategies that
        for  over  23  years.  Joel  has  over  30  will enhance  and  strengthen  their
        years  of  experience  in  the  printing  footprint  in the marketplace. If they
        industry  that  began  during  his  time  are  printing  business  materials  and
        in the  Army managing a print  shop  the graphics are stale or outdated, we
        in  New  Cumberland,  Pennsylvania.  can  help  modernize  their  marketing
        From there, he has done everything  tools to better represent their brand.
        from  running  large  offset  presses,  Additionally, by ensuring their success
        servicing printing equipment, setting  we  are  building  a  repeat  customer
        up  multiple  franchise  locations,  and  base that ensures our success.”   IMP  is  influencing  and  building
        training the team in all aspects of the                                  relationships  to  alter  the  market
        business from marketing to day to day  Today’s market place has gone digital  perception  of  moving  away  from
        operations.                          and on demand. Businesses are  supporting  local  brick  and  mortar
                                             finding that in order to compete, they  and turning to online retailers. A big
        Today,  Joel  works  alongside  a  team  need to be flexible, timely, and deliver  misconception  about  going  local
        of  4  employees,  including  3  family  with  excellence.  The  same  goes  for  is that some people think locally
        members  –  his  wife,  daughter,  and  the printing industry – even more so  owned businesses are unable to scale
        brother-in-law.  Also,  included  in  because it’s a service that supports the  alongside their growth. This is never
        the team is an experienced graphic  needs to these fast-paced businesses.  a  problem  for  IMP  Casa  Grande,
        designer that  can help  even the  In an effort to meet the requests of  which  is  a  franchisee  of  Minute
        novice of customers create impressive  their customers more efficiently, IMP  Man  Press  International  (MMP);  a
        marketing  and  promotional  artwork  Casa Grande has launched an easy  worldwide company started in 1973
        for their business needs.            to  use,  interactive  website  for  its  and  opened  its  first  franchise  in
                                             customers  which  offers  a  multitude  1975. Since then MMP corporate has
        Whether     it’s   business   cards,  of promotional products, simple print  stood by the belief that their primary
        brochures,  posters  and  banners,  designs, and contains an arsenal  responsibility  is  to  support  their
        or  any  promotional  products  –  the  of the products and services they  franchise owners.  With 27 regional
        team  can walk  you  through what  offer.  Whether  a  business  requests  support offices around the world, they
        you need and deliver it with stunning  promotional  materials  such  as  pens  facilitate vendor  discounts  to  obtain
        results. The staff, whether in person,  and coffee mugs or just simple print  competitive  pricing  that  keeps  them
        on the phone, or at a networking  copies  of  their  next  board  meeting,  in the forefront of the industry, and
        event, will greet you with a smile and  they can get  started right  away on  communicates  emerging  technology
        warmth to ensure your experience is .             solutions to MMP franchisee owners.
        noteworthy. One of the most unique
        attributes of IMP Casa Grande is that  Another  mechanism  by  which  IMP  Bottom  line,  IMP  Casa  Grande  is  a
        the team is well rounded in all areas of  Casa Grande provides efficiencies for  successful local business story as the
        print media.                         clients is through their online portal  result of the community around them.
                                             which  is  a  customer-specific  tool  They value their customers, stand by
        “As an expert in this industry, I’ve been  that allows access to all past jobs and  their products, and guarantee a smile.
        in business too long to not speak up  quick re-ordering. This is an excellent  The team has the passion and skills
        when I think a customer is not making  platform for medical offices, hospital  to serve the greater Phoenix area,
        the  best  choice  for  their  business,”  systems, financial industry, and other  get involved in community, and look
        continued Brookmyer. “Frankly, we’ve  larger clients to self-serve on their  forward to doing even more for both
        seen it all. Our customers are spending  high-volume repeat order items with  new and established customers in the
        valuable  dollars  on  their  projects,  ease.                           years to come.
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