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Have you ever “lost a morning” biggest single way to measure Steve Sipress is the founder and
with silly social media or news if the mastermind really works President of Successful Selling
of the day distractions? Have or is likely a rip-off. They’ll say Systems, Inc., and is widely
you ever skipped a workout things like “we can’t control what recognized as one of the world’s
or a healthy meal, promising you do” or “there is no way to highest-paid and most-respected
yourself you’ll do that tomorrow? guarantee your effort” or even small business consultants and
Welcome to the real world. So worse “there are no guarantees mastermind group leaders.
in a great mastermind you need in life.” All cover for their lack
multiple layers of accountability of commitment to your success.
built in. We call it “Success Any great mastermind can build Over the past 35+ years, he has
Partners” because they’re key in skills, accountability, and created and built over a dozen
to your success, and we have mentorship. These are the keys. successful companies, and has
them meet each week for a And with that, they can, and consistently helped his clients
short 15-minute accountability should, link payments to results. improve their incomes and lifestyles
call, on-line via Zoom Video. It’s In our most popular mastermind, by teaching and implementing
amazing how much this one step 75% of the payment is linked innovative, out-of-the-box sales,
produces tangible results each to results, and that result is an marketing, and general business
week on its own. And this is just additional $250,000 dollars in strategies that work far beyond
one of the layers we build into sales. It’s doable, and you should anyone’s expectations, in every
our masterminds. expect no less. conceivable industry and situation,
and no matter what the state of the
#4 - Systems-Based Not Guru- Your Challenge
Based Masterminds economy, or the time of year, or the
If you’re a business leader or physical location of the business.
When it comes to scalable, entrepreneur in the Phoenix/
sustainable results, the best Scottsdale area, allow me to He is the creator of The WOW!
masterminds are about the show you exactly how powerful Strategy™ - How To Solve ALL Of
program and the participants this is, on me. We run regular Your Small Business Sales And
being the stars, not the Workshops called Earn Twice As Marketing Problems, which he has
mastermind leader. Guru-based Much With Half The Stress across used to help thousands of small
masterminds, where you pay a the Valley. Tickets are $500 for a business owners, has taught in
ton of money to hang with the hands-on, three-hour Workshop high-level workshops, and is about
“rock star entrepreneur” and rub where you get to experience a to be published as his 27th book.
shoulders may feed your ego, mastermind on the spot. And
but they rarely feed your bottom worth every penny. Steve has written numerous
line. They’re not even designed
to do so. That’s not saying Allow me to treat you to a VIP articles on sales and marketing for
they’re not fun, and of course, ticket on me, for you and an a wide range of publications, has
you can meet fascinating people entrepreneur guest so that you appeared on radio and television, is
in those settings. But that’s can experience first-hand the an accomplished and entertaining
totally different than measurable power of a great mastermind speaker, and has a following of tens
sales results. Plan them in your session. Just call or text my cell of thousands of raving fans online
entertainment budget—not your at 630-835-4695 and let’s chat. and off.
business development budget. Or go to to
Instead, look for masterminds choose a day and time that works He has earned the nickname
that have proven systems of for you on my personal online “Straight-Talk Steve” for his no-
getting results. calendar. nonsense, results-oriented,
problem-solving approach to
#5 - Guaranteeing Results ------------------ business and success.
Finally, and frankly, the biggest
one that separates the “wheat”
from the “chaff” is does the
mastermind link your payment
to your results? This is the