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P. 7

The Power Of Women

                                                                In The New Economy

                                                                         by Brian K Wright

        Brian:   Sharon, I’m very glad to have  Hill Foundation asking me to help re-  do something, to create an impact.
        you here. Tell us a little something  energize the messages of Napoleon  And so I think it’s really important—
        about your background.               Hill.  It  really  brought  it  full  circle  women want to make a difference.
                                             for me because I had read Think and  So their success is in the results that
        Sharon:    I  was  a  CPA  and had  a  Grow Rich when I was 19. We were  are  created  by  their  success,  not
        rising career with a Big 6 accounting  honored and thrilled to have built an  necessarily the fact  that they are
        firm. And  by  age  26, when  I  knew  international powerhouse brand like  successful.
        everything,  I realized that I  was  Rich Dad, the number one personal
        working really hard for other  finance brand. But then to be asked  Brian:        In   terms    of   creating
        people. And so the entrepreneurial  to step into the largest personal  significance  and  success  really
        bug bit me at the age of 26. I started  development  brand  in  the  world,  what we’re talking about is women
        building  companies  then.  We  had  this was an incredible, unbelievably  owning  their  own  power, as men
        three children, and they didn’t  like  huge honor—one that I cherish and  have done for generations.
        to read, so I met the investor of  honor—and I  do  everything  in  my
        first  children’s  talking  book.  We  power to make sure that everything  Sharon:   It is so important. Another
        joined forces with him and built that  I do as it relates to the foundation  reason why I wrote this book, when
        industry from 1 million in sales to 23  is  to  honor  Napoleon  Hill  and  his  I  talk  about  changing  the  dialogue
        to 51 million, and we sold it in the  original messages.                  from  negative  to  positive—men
        3rd year. Then we moved to Arizona                                        don’t  usually  have  a  problem
        which is where we live now.          Brian:   You  wrote an amazing  saying that they are in an expert on
                                             book called Think and Grow Rich for  something. Women have a horrible
        Fast forward a few years, that’s when  Women. Do you think success looks  time saying I am an expert. They will
        I  met  Robert  Kiyosaki.  We  wrote  different  for  women  than  it  does  say, “Well, I’m pretty good at that” or
        Rich Dad Poor Dad and released that  for men?                             “Well, I’m OK”. Most of us have been
        in 1997, and started 10 years owning                                      raised in that maternal environment
        and  building  that  company.  Then  Sharon:    The  subtitle  of  Think  where  we are supposed  to take
        when I decided to leave the Rich Dad  and Grow Rich  for  Women  is “Using  care of everybody else. And far too
        organization in 2007, it was a very  Your  Power  To  Create  Success  and  many  women put  themselves last,
        difficult  decision for me,  but  that’s  Significance.  Women  want  success,  and I speak from painful experience
        when so many other doors opened  but  success  is  not  necessarily  in  because  that’s  something  that  I
        for me. President  Bush  asked me  terms of money, and so that’s why  definitely  deal  with  every  day.  We
        to  be  on  the  President’s  Advisory  I  said  success  and  significance.  A  want to make sure we are the best
        Council,  then  getting  the  call  in  lot  of  times women want  to  make  mother,  the  best  wife,  the  best
        March of 2008 from the Napoleon  money, not to buy something but to  leader, but we forget to take care of

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