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Yet in a few moments, you would is always the place to start. He is the CEO of Gethner Education,
be riding like you were ten years Remember, you never get hit by Coaching & Consulting, and has
old. Once you learn a skill, it can the bus you see coming, so let’s coached hundreds of students
never be taken away, yes? The look both ways before we cross. on how to successfully invest. He
bicycle might change colors, have also founded and actively heads
a new look, use a different metal, Here’s how to get started: up Networking REI, a thriving real
even have bigger or smaller tires. educate yourself and let’s take estate investing group that meets
But at the end of the day if you emotion out of the equation. on a monthly basis.
can ride a bike, you can ride a Take the time to invest in yourself
bike. and your future. This is an area of Over the years, Stuart has acquired
your life that you should master a great deal of experience in
Ten years ago, there were plenty and not dabble in. purchasing with cash, traditional
of properties to buy at a discount financing, seller financing, and
and no one had the money. Fast The benefits will last you a hard money lending. In addition,
forward ten years to today and lifetime, and it’s not hard to get he has participated in Lease /
there is plenty of money sitting started even if you believe you Options, Subject To, wholesaling,
on the sidelines waiting for have no time and no money. Fix-&-Flips, as well as his favorite:
someone like you to invest with, These excuses will keep you in Buy & Holds.
and I’d be delighted to show you this same place in a year from
how. now. I don’t know about you, but More recently, he has had the
I’m not getting any younger. opportunity to educate off stages
Some folks have tried investing nationally and internationally on
in real estate and had a bad Remember: there are two great the topic of Joint Ventures within
experience. My friend Ed tried times to invest in real estate: 20 Real Estate Investing.
the fix-and-flip strategy and had years ago and today.
a terrible experience. He made In Stuart’s ideology, every day is
the simple mistake of over- a GREAT day to be a real estate
improving the property for the investor and we’re here to help you
neighborhood. Ed’s challenge Stuart Gethner is a seasoned Real create YOUR success!
was getting his asking price Estate Investor who has personally
because he spent way too much. invested in over 10 million dollars You can learn more about Stuart at
The house sat on the market in single-family residences,
for months. When it finally sold, commercial properties, industrial
he called and said, “This stupid complexes, land opportunities, and
strategy doesn’t work. It probably hard-money lending transactions.
only works on TV. I’m never
doing it again.” And he never He’s successfully partnered to
did. Please note in any investing own three thriving independent
strategy, one is either making Pharmacies, owned a franchise, and
money or getting an education. has joint ventured with students
and investors all over the world on
Most people major in minor various business opportunities.
things. They know more about the
celebrity going in and out of rehab Nearly from the start of his
than their own personal finances. investing tenure, Stuart has been
Don’t confuse movement with educating others how to find deals
achievement. Educating yourself and properly execute on them.
on the particulars of any venture