Page 5 - iNetreprenuer.magazine.winter2020
P. 5

How A.I. Can Help

                                                                  You Increase Your

                                                                  Sales Quickly

                                                                          by Brian K Wright

        Brian:     This month’s featured  and  the  technology  platform  to  makes  a  huge  difference.  When
        guest    is   Brandon     Barnum.    enable  people  to  quickly  identify  you  can  identify  your  prospects’
        Brandon,  tell  us  a  little  bit  about  their  prospects’  “buyology”.  I  BANKcode,  then  you  understand
        your background.                     quickly  built  a  friendship  and  why  they  buy.  It’s  actually  the
                                             had great respect for the people  title of the book written by Cheri
        Brandon:  I’ve been in tech since  behind Performance Partners.           Tree, the creator of the sales
        1999,  and  I’ve  owned  multiple                                         methodology.
        businesses. My last position was as  And  seeing  the  number  of
        CEO of Codebreaker Technologies  businesses  that  the  company  Brian:    Why  They  Buy  by  Cheri
        bringing  an  Artificial  Intelligence  was  impacting  and  the  depth  of  Tree.
        for sales to the marketplace.        services  that  they’re  offering,
                                             including  virtual support services  Brandon:  Yes.  B.A.N.K.  is  an
        Brian:   Right now, you are working  and  call  center  services  — it was  acronym that stands for Blueprint,
        with  Performance  Partners  and  an  irresistible  opportunity  to  Action, Nurturing, and Knowledge,
        you are the Chairman of the Board.  increase my impact, influence, and  which are the four personality
        Tell us about that.                  income, which is what we teach at  types  of  the  BANKcode  system.
                                             Performance Partners.                And once  you understand how
        Brandon: Performance Partners                                             someone is wired, then you know
        is  a  performance  optimization  Brian:    And  obviously,  sales  is  a  the  specific  language  to  use  that
        company      providing    business  cornerstone for any company to  they resonate  with fastest  and
        coaching  and  training  specifically  elevate their performance, and  most  effectively,  so  that you  can
        in  the  B.A.N.K.  methodology,  to  there’s  a  specific  methodology  influence  buying  decisions  and
        help companies  close  more  sales  that  you  are involved in called  increase conversions up to 300%.
        in less time.                        BANKcode. Tell us about that.
                                                                                  Brian:    How  do  you  figure  out
        Brian:   Fantastic. How did you get  Brandon:      Absolutely.    What  what someone’s BANKcode  is?
        involved with them?                  we focus on is increasing sales
                                             velocity, and  sales  velocity  is  all  Brandon:   There are a couple
        Brandon: I got  involved  with  about your conversion rate as well  of  different  methodologies.  I  can
        Performance  Partners through  as your average revenue per client.  demonstrate this  with anyone
        my  role  as  CEO  of  Codebreaker  And what we’ve discovered is this  using, for example, their LinkedIn
        Technology, as I developed the AI  sales methodology called B.A.N.K.  profile.

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