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In your LinkedIn profile, Brian, I Brandon: We got a success story
can click once, and it will decipher recently. We know a printer that Brandon Barnum is a visionary
your BANKcode based on your started running all of his proposals executive who has been building
“About” section. through the AI and matching technology platforms and business
his proposals to the prospects’ optimization systems for over 22
As I scroll through your LinkedIn personality code, and he increased years. As Co-Founder and President
profile, Brian, your Action comes his conversion rate from 44% to of, Brandon built the
through first and foremost, 87% in 30 days’ time. So it almost world’s largest referral network with
followed by your Blueprint. And doubled. over 5 million members in over 200
again, this is based on your “About” countries.
section. By knowing someone’s Brian: That is absolutely amazing.
BANKcode style, you’re able to Who is your ideal client for Most recently, Brandon served
utilize the words to speak to them someone like this? What clientele as interim CEO of Codebreaker
that most accurately connects. do you typically focus on? Technologies where he helped build
and launch Codebreaker AI, the
With a second click, I can save all Brandon: Performance Partners world’s first personality-based AI
of your LinkedIn information and really focuses on life sciences, for sales. Codebreaker AI creates
your contact information directly including dentists and dental instant empathy and helps Business
here into our BANKcode CRM practitioners, which is one of Owners and Sales Professionals
system that we’ve built. It allows our specialties. We also help any close more sales in less time by
you to instantly see someone’s full business owners that focus on customizing their presentations and
code. Or, if you’re in their contact sales. They either have a sales conversations for each prospect’s
record, you can just hover over team, where those individual sales unique buying style.
each of the four personality styles agents can utilize the technology
on your screen so that when you’re on a subscription basis, or we This revolutionary technology helps
on the phone with them, you can provide coaching directly for the you quickly crack the personality
use the right language that leads owners or the sales team itself code of your prospects to increase
to “yes”. so that they can bankify their conversion rates up to 300%
business. consistently and predictably. By
In addition, we have what we customizing your sales approach for
call BANKpass, and it’s a self- Brian: Fantastic. It sounds like each prospect’s BANKCODE, you
assessment that business owners the potential for this is really instantly increase rapport, serve
can integrate into their marketing incredible for someone who wants your clients better and save everyone
funnels. That way their prospects to up-level their sales. How can time, while closing more sales.
simply drag and drop their own someone find you and possibly
personal bank code. And then work with you? Since building this revolutionary
when they do, they opt in and sales technology, Brandon has
that will send them a custom Brandon: Elevatingperformance. joined Performance Partners as
BANKcode report so that they com is our website address. Chairman to empower and elevate
understand their own personality People can find information about performance for business owners
style. I would recommend you do our company, what we do, and globally.
it, by the way, because what you our whole assortment of service
see is pretty interesting. offerings there. Brandon understands that the
fastest path to real wealth comes
If anyone wants help walking Brian: Awesome. Thank you for through communication and
through that, we would be glad to being here, Brandon. This was collaboration and is on a mission
talk to them about it. really fun. to increase income, influence and
impact for all.
Brian: Wow! I’m sure you have Brandon: You’re welcome, my
case studies all day long. Is there pleasure. To explore integrating Codebreaker
one really memorable case study AI into your business or sales
that this methodology made a organization, please visit
huge difference in getting a sale
that you’d like to share?