Page 16 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 16
Once upon a time in Silicon Valley, there was a Several years ago Google created what is now
very strong bias toward automation. If you called the Google Business Profile. These are
have to do something more than once, free business listings. Businesses can create
automate it. their profile and feed the monster. But you
can’t feed the monster once. The Google
When websites were first created, the process monster feeds on information. Deny the
to get them found was tedious at best. information it needs to satisfy their customers
and Google will deny you a high ranking when
In the spirit of automation, Google created someone types in “need a therapist in Tempe.”
software that went following web links, and
added to their index. The search engine was What to feed Google? Information about your
born and people began the obsession of business. Reviews, articles in social media, link
searching the internet. Software never needs posts and back links to the profile, your well
to rest. When it got to the end, Google done, informative website, up-to-date business
restarted and updated the hours, pictures, keywords, products, services…
index. sound like a full time job? It can be. You want
to ensure Google has plenty of great content
Google created searches, created the database on a consistent basis. And, your time is better
of everything, all at once, all on the internet. If spent on your business, not your Google.
you needed to find it, you Googled it. That’s when you hire me to handle everything.
Today, Google wants the very best experience I create and manage Google Business Profiles
for every person typing in a search box. Google for my clients. By keeping these records
wants to provide the very best answer to each complete, Google has the information to
provide great answers to searchers.
question. You may have noticed that it offers
corrected spellings so that it searches for what So Eric, how important is it to set up and
you meant, not what you typed. A joy for bad maintain my Google Business Profile? How
typer's everywhere. important is it that prospects find you before
your competition? Google is the #1 search
You ask, Google answers. How? The mysterious engine with over 90% of all searches. 93.37%
algorithm. An ever-changing formula, the according to…well Google. Number 2 is
Google algorithm ranks everything. YouTube, owned by
EVERYTHING. It provides the highest scoring Google.
answers to the searcher/customer.
Only about 4% of companies claim their
OK, Eric, what does all this have to do with MY profile. With that simple step you are already
business? Glad you asked. Basically, in the top 5%. I can help with a free review to
everything. Remember, Google continues to tell you what’s good and what needs work.
index everything. Seriously, everything.
Information about your business can get to
Google two ways. Let Google find it, or feed
Google directly. Feeding the monster is the
best, fastest way to rank and, potentially, rank
high. Eric Bruce
Marketing Success Pros