Page 13 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 13

One of the most significant benefits of having           I met a dental hygienist that later decided to
        a  strong  network  is  the  opportunities  it  can      work  with  me  as  a  personal  client,  another
        bring. As I mentioned at the beginning of this           attendee  that  went  on  to  start  her  own
        article,  when  you  build  relationships  with          business  and  joined  The  Leap  Community  to
        people  in  your  industry,  in  your  community,        support her business-building needs as well as
        and  even  online  via  social  media,  you'll  have     build her social capital. From that date, several
        access       to     advancements,         potential      additional  exchanges  have  happened  that
        partnerships, and other opportunities that you           have shared wisdom, created opportunities for
        might     not    have    found     otherwise.    By      the  ladies  in  attendance,  generated  income,
        networking, you can get your foot in the door            and strengthened all our social capital. This is
        and make valuable connections that can help              just  one  example  in  my  life  of  how  building
        you  advance  your  career,  and  education,  and        your  network  really  is  the  true  way  to  build
        grow your business.                                      your Net Worth.

                                                                 Did  you  know  that  networking  can  also  help
                                                                 you  learn  from  others  and  their  experiences?
                                                                 By  connecting  with  people  who  have  already
                                                                 achieved success in your industry, you can gain
                                                                 valuable insights into what it takes to succeed.
                                                                 You can learn from their successes and failures
                                                                 and apply these lessons to your own journey.
        I’d like to share a story with you that will put
        this  advice  into  perspective.  Back  in  2021,  I     In  addition  to  the  tangible  benefits  of
        hosted an event that I run annually called “The          networking,  it  can  also  be  a  source  of
        Sanctuary”.     There    were     8   women       in     motivation     and    inspiration.    When     you
        attendance  and  not  everyone  knew  each               surround  yourself  with  people  who  are
        other.  As  the  event  progressed,  one  of  the        passionate  about  what  they  do,  you'll  be
        attendees  revealed  that  she  was  putting  her        inspired to pursue your own passions and work
        dreams  on  hold  of  creating  International            harder  to  achieve  your  goals.  I’ve  seen  this
        Masterminds  until  her  daughter  graduated             work with my own eyes with my clients and in
        High  School  which  would  have  been  3  years         my life. In fact, using this method has been the
        from  that  point.  After  further  discussions  and     foundation  for  the  success  I’ve  found  in  my
        perceptions  offered,  she  decided  to  move            own  business  and  in  the  businesses  of  the
        forward  with  her  idea  and  create  the  events       clients I coach. Don’t forget, your network will
        that  year.  I  attended  that  International            be  a  source  of  positivity  and  encouragement,
        Mastermind  that  was  created  and  hosted              which  will  help  you  stay  motivated  even
        merely  8  months  from  the  date  of  the              during challenging times, I guarantee that!
        Sanctuary.  And  because  she  attended  one  of
        my  events,  I  gave  back  to  her  and  promoted
        the event to my network and community. Two
        members  of  The  Leap  Community  said  yes
        (including  one  that  was  in  attendance  of  The
        Sanctuary)  and  one  of  the  ladies  that  is
        registered in my annual mastermind attended,
        thus  sharing  money  with  the  host.  At  that

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