Page 20 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 20
Do deep breathing and look for the movement
of your own energy, moving through your
body. All these parts of your body, seamlessly
working "together"! Filling you with renewed
Do You believe it's Possible to Life! See what thoughts and feelings you have
Maintain Your Inner Calm and about your amazing system! This system is
Manage Stress? Your own personal property!
By Claudia McBride
So now that you have taken charge and
Let us begin by saying your overall goal is to calmed yourself, you can see that you are
achieve an Inner Calm and maintain it … no breathing slower, and more fully. Continue to
matter what. relax your body and your mind. Begin to stop
your Random Thoughts that catch your
You are a secure person who has the attention. Give your mind permission to stop
essentials. You know yourself, and know your for a while. That way you learn to stop the talk
attributes and drawbacks, so, you can say you in your head, upon command! This takes
have your feet “firmly planted” in life. Is that practice, so let’s practice together.
If so, then why does Stress come into the Calm yourself and stop your thoughts for a
picture? while. When a thought pops up, tell it Stop!
Everyday living brings obstacles, difficulties, Tell it No, Go away, and it will! It will dissolve.
and complications. True. So yes, you see how Trust me! Breath and RELAX. Keep doing that
easy it is for everyone to experience Stress. for a while so you can practice controlling your
However, the question is, HOW DO YOU DEAL thoughts. Soon you’ll see it's calming your
WITH IT? mind.
Stress has a certain feel. Can you identify it Try this now and then again later. Practice it
when you’re feeling stressed? Perhaps it’s regularly. You are in control of keeping your
confusion or anxiety. More pressure and even mind calm and relaxed. You can choose not to
physical pain like a stomach ache or headache. be affected by other stuff going on around you.
OK. Well, let’s take the next couple of minutes You can maintain this state of Peace inside,
and relax. Relax your shoulders and neck. Take knowing yourself and appreciating this as a
By Hannah Kesler POSITIVE thing.
a few deep breaths and slow down. RELAX!
Focus on this one thing so we can meet
Stress, and face this enemy, “Head On''!