Page 22 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 22

Understand      your    personal    feelings    and      Stimulation  requires  resting  afterward.  You
        thoughts,  and  express  your  thoughts  through         need  equal  time  for  being  active,  and  being
        actions.  This  is  key  to  finding  your  personal     restful.  Make  sure  you  have  a  restful  time!
        balance. The mind is incredible, isn’t it? It gives      Walk  away  from  overstimulation  and  let  this
        personalized  guidance  that  you  can  use  in          passive time help you REFLECT on the things
        order  to  better  understand  yourself.  It  helps      you’ve  just  experienced,  or  what  you  see  in
        you  monitor  your  actions,  and  process  and          your  head.  When  you  rest,  you  can  identify
        control your feelings.                                   your hunches, your personal feelings, and most
                                                                 importantly,  you  can  recreate  your  "Inner
        However, let go of Controlling all the time! It          Calm".
        cuts    off    the    part    of   yourself    that
        communicates with your inner Knowing. You                It’s your job to find a balance of energy within
        may have a strong feeling or impression, so see          yourself, the Calm. You are becoming smarter
        what  that  impression  is.  Your  intuitions  can       now  and  it’s  your  job  to  keep  a  balance  of
        help  you  become  wiser  about  yourself  and           Calm  and  Peace  within  yourself.  You  deserve
        your surroundings.                                       it!!  Don’t  let  others  take  it  from  you!!  It’s  your
                                                                 Calm.  Keep  seeking  it  and  coming  back  to  it.
        One  more  thing,  that's  a  very  big  deal!  And  a   Don’t  let  circumstances  or  others  steal  your
        very  big  problem  right  now.  It’s  Over              joy  or  peace  of  mind.  Remind  yourself  that
        Stimulation. There are so many things in this            things  are  OK  because,  honestly,  these  things
        world  competing  for  your  attention!  Our             really are getting better!
        society has created many distractions to keep
        us away from the real world. Multiple activities,        The average adversities in your life are not new
        electronics,  advertisements.  Others  that  you         to you. Many of us have a personal walk with
        live with are also distractions.                         God  and  turn  to  Him  for  peace  and
                                                                 enlightenment. I find that when I don’t know
        Are you bouncing around in your mind? Trying             what to do about a difficulty, I thank the Lord
        to  do  too  many  things  at  once  makes  you          for  taking  on  the  problem  and  solution,  and
        stressed  out?!  Control  the  chatter  in  your         then I trust in Him for the best outcome, and
        mind!  Learn  to  recognize  how  you  feel  and         also  for  peace  within  myself,  about  the
        behave when you’re Over Stimulated.                      difficulty.

        Too  much  stimulation  can  make  you  behave           Difficulties set a pattern and you choose what
        erratically,  irrationally,  and  overly  emotional.     to do with each occurrence individually. So to
        You  may  feel  confused  and  you  may  find            begin  with,  look  for  a  pattern.  Try  to  see  the
        yourself  drawn  in  several  different  directions.     cycle  of  stress  and  tension  building.  That  is
        This  is  not  uncommon  but  it’s  frustrating,  so     often followed by a Crisis. A blow-up or Crisis
        learn  to  recognize  over-stimulation  quickly,         is what you don’t want!
        and protect yourself!
                                                                 Maintain the "Honeymoon" part of the cycle by
        Draw back for a while. Take time out and set             keeping  your  goal  of  being  calm.  The
        your  priorities.  Begin  to  reduce  the  activities    relaxation  exercises  will  help  you  maintain
        and distractions! Walk away or shut things off!
       By  Hannah Kesler                                         peace and defuse the crisis! Then others can’t
        Stop!  Your  body  will  obey  you!  If  too  many       mess  with  you,  and  your  even,  balanced  level
        distractions are making you feel overwhelmed,            of “Intentional Calm Within”.
        remember that your health is a high priority!

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