Page 24 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 24
Self-care, Tea and the
Modern Woman
By Kathleen Edinger
Do you find yourself feeling like Superwoman? I took a closer look at my own life and realized
Do you believe that self-care is selfish? If you that I was consistently giving from an empty
answer yes to one or both of these questions, cup and not an overflowing cup. I was giving
then you are not alone. I know from my own from my reserves which left me feeling
experience as a working mom that I always exhausted, depleted and stressed out. I’m sure
put pressure on myself to be there for you can relate to this. I put so much pressure
everyone, except for myself. I grew up with the on myself to make everything perfect and I did
idea that women could do it all and have it all. not ask for much help. I was suffering from
Over the years as my children grew into adults, what I call the “Superwoman Syndrome”.
I realized that this is lifestyle was unrealistic Unfortunately, there is no such thing as
and unhealthy. Not making myself had taken a Superwoman in the real world. It is an
toll on my physical, emotional and mental unrealistic lifestyle that we as women try to
well-being. I began to develop health concerns attain. The great news is you can change your
that I knew would only get worse if I did not lifestyle and make YOU a priority.
take better care of myself. My wake-up call
was watching both of parents die on their
sixties because they did not make their health
a priority.