Page 28 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 28
Email marketing can be extremely effective
because it is a direct way to communicate
Email Marketing: The Foundation with customers. Unlike social media, email is
That Unlocks Growth not subject to algorithm changes or platform
limitations. When someone gives you their
By Tyler Cook email address, they are inviting you into their
inbox, providing you with a unique
Email marketing is the cornerstone of any opportunity to connect with them on a
successful marketing strategy. It is a highly personal level.
effective way to engage with customers, build
relationships, and drive conversions. It’s the What are Common Email Marketing
foundational marketing channel because ALL Myths?
other marketing channels, such as social
media, search engine optimization, and paid One of the most common myths about email
advertising lead to either email or SMS marketing is that it is dead. This could not be
collection. further from the truth. With all the uncertainty
rocking the social media world (Elon Musk
This is why email is a channel that should be buying Twitter and making the algorithm
taken very seriously and have a robust strategy. public, TikTok being banned on government
devices across the globe, many businesses are
The Foundational Marketing turning to email to survive and thrive.
Another myth is that people do not want to
The goal of email marketing is to build receive marketing emails. While it is true that
relationships with customers, drive people do not want to receive spam or
engagement, and ultimately, increase sales. It irrelevant messages, studies have shown that
is a cost-effective way to reach a large people are willing to receive marketing emails
audience and is highly measurable, making it if they are personalized, relevant, and
easy to track the success of your campaigns. valuable.