Page 31 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 31
Tip 2: Build Loving Relationships Tip 4: Align Your Thoughts, Feelings, and
The relationships you have with yourself and Actions
others are a critical component of your Successful laws of attraction require that your
transformation journey. Begin by building a thoughts, feelings, and actions are in
relationship of ultimate love, trust, and respect congruency and alignment. Therefore, you
with yourself, the creator/God and others. Use need to evaluate whether your daily actions
yourself as a guinea pig to practice any are leading in the direction of your desired
relationship you would expect from others on goals.
yourself first. This includes learning to be a
good receiver to attract the relationships and For example, if you want to lose weight, check
abundance you desire since most of us are out in with your feelings (hidden or expressed) and
of balance with giving and receiving. see if they are positively aligned with your goal.
If your feelings are negative and not
Be the living example of what you want to supporting your goal, then take steps to
attract into your life, and treat yourself and address them and align them with your
others as the wonderful, God-made creations desired outcome.
they are. Commit to treating yourself and
everyone else as the most sacred divine being, Tip 5: Re-evaluate Your Environment
never saying or doing anything that is not The people, things, and spaces around you can
loving to self or others. either support or deplete your energy levels.
Therefore, you need to be aware of what’s in
Tip 3: Take Care of Your Whole Being your environment and observe what is
Your body, mind, and spirit are your sacred energizing and what is depleting you.
vehicle for life. Therefore, you must learn how
to take top care of your whole being. Think of Re-evaluate friends, jobs, and relationships
your life experience like a race car during this that you’ve outgrown, and choose to let go of
time of rapid shift in humanity. You are the these relationships. Create a supportive
sole driver who is 100% responsible for environment that uplifts and energizes you
creating the life/race/result you desire. You can and surround yourself with people who share
have a race support team to help maintain your vision and values.
your sacred vehicle, but you are the ultimate
intelligent being who creates the result you Tip 6: Address What’s Not Congruent
receive. Things that nag at you, things you should
address and have closure with, can drain your
To take care of your whole being, you need to energy levels and cause blockages for
have a healthy daily workout routine that abundance creation. Develop your spiritual
includes strength training, cardio, and connections through meditation, self-
flexibility workout. Find something you enjoy, awareness and following your intuition.
and yet challenging, and use your mind Become actively aware of what’s not
consciously to find ways to improve your congruent in your life and address those
results. Persistence and consistency are more things.
important than perfection, so make sure to
stay committed to your routine. And don't
forget to enjoy the journey!