Page 4 - April 2023 CW Magazine
P. 4

Stop                                                     Time waits for no one, and in my opinion, it is

                                                                 our  most  valuable  asset.  Once  it  is  spent,  we

        Waiting                                                  don’t get “a do over” and we have no idea how
                                                                 many  “tomorrows”  we  have  left.  As  a  former
                                                                 police  officer,  I  have  witnessed  hundreds  of
                                                                 occasions  when  there  was  no  longer  a
        and Start                                                tomorrow.  I  saw  it  personally  in  my  own  life
                                                                 when my mom passed away at the age of 59
                                                                 from early onset Alzheimer’s. She took all her
        Living                                                   dreams  to  the  grave  with  her,  and  I  decided
                                                                 that I would not do the same.

                                                                 The  problem  today  is  this.  People  are  “woo”
                                                                 busy as I call it. Have you ever asked someone
                                                                 how they are, and the first words out of their
        By Julie Jones                                           mouth  are  “I  am  busy”.  They  are  on  the
                                                                 hamster  wheel  of  life,  doing,  doing,  doing
                                                                 instead  of  saying  YES  to  life  opportunities.
        Have you ever stopped and thought about the              People in our lives are so busy with distractions
        legacy  and  impact  that  you  are  leaving  with       that  they  truly  forget  what  life  is  all  about.
        your  life?  Does  it  feel  as  if  time  is  going  by  Sound  familiar?  Being  busy  is  not  a  badge  of
        faster  and  faster,  passing  in  a  blur,  and  you    honor.
        want to yell “I have so much left to do?”

        4  I                            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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